Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Bleating - er, Blogging for Great Justice

Today is my third day in my office (which is not actually MY office, given that I work for a climate-change network of NGOs, and this is just one of the members of that network, which has kindly given us some work space - not unlike the setup with the All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group and The CarbonNeutral Company).  The office is a gorgeous, shady old building with about fifteen hundred motorbikes out front. :)  My desk is in the coolest corner, in a room I share with a couple of other people (including a guy who sings little snatches of tunes to himself while he works, which... well, at least he has a nice voice, but occasionally I feel like yelling NO, FINISH THAT SONG BEFORE YOU MOVE ON TO A DIFFERENT ONE.  I'm a little compulsive like that :)).

But I won't, because he, like everyone in the office, is INSANELY nice and very welcoming, and I appreciate that.  So.  Much.

(In fact, my officemate just came skipping into the room, grinned at me, and said, "Shall we go to Paradise?"  I kind of blinked at him, and after a second, said, "Okay, do you... know the way?"  He said, "No, you see, now we are in hell - it's so hot.  So..." and he pointed at the air conditioner, "Paradise!"  I cracked up. :))

Also, one of my colleagues compared me to a goat today. :)  It was cute.  We all eat lunch together (mainly Karen dishes different colleagues bring from home, which are pretty much uniformly amazing - today, it was seafood-rice porridge, pumpkin curry, and some kind of sour veggie with dried fish), and apparently, the fact that I will happily taste anything, without ascertaining what the hell it is first, is causing great amusement. :)

You'll notice that I'm not talking about the actual work I'm doing, and I'm afraid that's deliberate; there's a limit to what I can say here, as there are potential security concerns.  So names and precise details are out, but I hope to blog in more general terms about some of the issues I encounter.  (Otherwise, let's face it, this blog is going to turn into Things Catherine Has Eaten very quickly.)  At the moment, I've been sicced on a massive climate change handbook (about 50 - 100 pages).  I've got two months to come up with a rough draft.


Last thing:  I'm going to need an alias for my employer (the network), if I'm going to be able to talk about it without giving too much away or sounding like a dork.  Ideas?

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