Tuesday 25 March 2014

Countdown to Re-Entry: Marvels of the Western World

The title's a little tongue in cheek (I mean, obviously), but just as there are weird things that I'll miss about Thailand, there are weird things about London that will delight and astonish me.

Here are the top five:

  1. Magic box??!!!  Make clothes dry!!??!  No need to hang clothes outside for mosquitoes to breed on!?!?!?
  2. Water come out of tap okay to drink!!???  Drink water, not die??  Don't need to find 7/11 at 2 am??!!!
  3. Another magic box!?!  Make food hot???
  4. Walking down pavement for whole block!?!?!  Not trip???  No walking into noodle stall!!???  Don't get run over by motorbike??!!!
  5. Tea in normal caf has caffeine?!?!  Not put sugar without asking????  Not orange!!?!?!?!

I'm going to be wandering around like a visitor from another planet for the first few days.

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